do u guys see me s a simpai what ever that means lol i may have spell it wrong lol xDDD
10 votes
yess ;;w;;
maybe >w>
i am not sure
me: i think is means for me to notices u or something

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DaintyKitty's avatar
Well senpai, in Japan, usually refers to anyone who is older than you (or is in a higher rank in a company or at school) as a form of respect. But in this case it's used to see you as a role model. So for me, I can call you Jenny-senpai = v = Or Jenny-san, since you're older (-san applies to anyone older regardless of rank).

On the other hand, you can call me kohai, which is a respectable term for those that are younger than you or are less experienced in a particular area. However, you can't really use it after someone's name like senpai, so you use chan or kun instead.